Property Tax Accounting
Property Tax Accounting
At Chan & Naylor Melbourne, our specialist property tax accountants are renowned for their reliable tax advice and property tax accounting services for property investors. For investors at all stages of the property investment journey, whether starting out or well established, with the help of Chan & Naylor Melbourne, you can:
- Structure your investment portfolio for better asset protection.
- Improve cash flows of your property portfolio by deducting various depreciation expenses.
- Property investment strategies that can legally reduce taxes.
- Claim all tax deductions that you are legally entitled to, including all depreciations and expenses related to improving, managing and holding your investment property.
- Access ultra low interest investor loans through our Finance team.
- Structure your debt to purchase investment properties.
- Develop strategies to fund and structure property purchases.
Property Tax & Investment Structures
Our property tax accounting and tax advice extends to the various estate planning factors including ownership and control of assets and tax implications of passing assets from one generation to the next. We provide expert advice on how to safely pass on assets that legally reduces taxes for both yourself and future generations.
The Chan & Naylor Property Investor Trust ® is the only ATO approved means of claiming negative gearing as tax deductions against your PAYG in addition to preserving wealth as the Chan & Naylor PIT® does not expire after 80 years like traditional trusts do which would in normal circumstances trigger federal and state based taxes such as Capital Gains Tax and Stamp Duty.
Have you outgrown your Tax Agent or Tax Accountant?
Your family accountant may be costing you more money than you’re paying them by not giving you the maximum deductions you’re entitled to. For a second opinion on your tax return or if you’re looking for proactive tax accountants with reliable property tax advice and accurate tax returns for property investors – trust the experience and reliability of the leading specialists in property tax accounting.

Strategic Financial Consultations for Property Investors
Everyone goes (or should go) once a year to their Doctor for a health check. However, very few people consider a Strategic Financial Consultations (SFC) on their property investments, wealth creation or financial planning goals.
A Strategic Financial Consultation is a holistic review of your wealth creation goals, taking into account issues around tax, asset protection, estate planning, finance and structures, to assist you in meeting your objectives.
The results and feedback are provided to you, either to confirm that your property finance is in good shape OR that it is not and that we can then make appropriate recommendations as to how they could be improved upon.